The No

By TheNo


In January, the chief executive of Barclays, Bob Diamond, said he thought the time for bankers' remorse and apologies over their substantial part in the economic crisis was over. I don't recall anyone ever saying sorry, do you?

The latest UK Uncut protests today targeted Barclays branches up and down the country. They came on a day when it was revealed the bank paid just 1% tax on its £11.6bn profits last year.

As with all the UK Uncut demos, the atmosphere was totally peaceful. At our branch in Hackney we set up a makeshift library, laying out some recommended reading (Austerity Britain, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Mr Greedy), and just (very) peacefully making our point about the impact of tax dodging is having on the majority of us.

People were really responsive. Plus I got to read Mr Greedy with an absolutely adorable toddler who sat down next to me while her mum did her bank business. We had matching hats. Unfortunately no photos exist as evidence, so you will just have to take my word for it.

Some more on Flickr

Massive shortfall

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