Displacement activities

By Detritus

Momentous day.

Today my wife left me, and took our daughter.
She also took my favourite lens (17-40L) and the TTL flash.

I'm being over dramatic, they have only gone for a week. Me and the boy used the opportunity to wander around the city. I hoped to get some interesting people or building snaps, but was put off by the bad weather and lack of inspiration. He had some pocket money, and the remains of Christmas money, and spent some of it on some decent in-ear headphones (Sennheisers) and this pink car.

It is significant to him, as when he was a boy, it was his favourite type of car, and he always wanted one. It is significant to me, as he has obsessive behaviours, and I recall that when things weren't going well for me and his mother, he was happily absorbed in dreams of Cadillacs.

I've not really dropped in on fellow blippers recently, as to be honest I've been knackered with preparing for this weekend, and a mid week crisis at work really took it out of me. However, although up before the sun to see them off this morning, I plan to do some proper unwinding later and tomorrow and catch up a bit. May head to the coast tomorrow, boy wants to go seal hunting (with cameras, not weapons) and I fancy taking the hound somewhere different.

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