just allan

By allan

Glowering Dreich Dunbar

Dunbar from the salt marsh under glowering skies. We dragged ourselves out for a walk this afternoon when the weather cleared a bit. I can't say the children had a great time, they were cold through and just not into it. The plan was to walk round the woods to the estuary then cut back through the woods for home, but we didn't make it. We turned around for home when the whining reached fever pitch and the boys were melodramatically throwing themselves on the ground in "exhaustion". Then they mysteriously came back to life and ran all the way home. Maybe something to do with the Star Wars film they were looking forward to. Just maybe.

As always, good to get out anyway but I'll need to take them swimming tomorrow to make up for it. I just hope the pool's warm! Brr.

A few more on Flickr.

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