Clare's Symi

By claresymi


Ugly. The only word I would use to describe today's image. Or maybe I could use yuck. Either way, it is not attractive.

And that was deliberate. Until now, the snaps I've uploaded of Symi have been, or a least have attempted to be, attractive, to show Symi in its best light. However, like everywhere in the world, Symi has its less pretty side and this image illustrates one of the things I dislike, the dumping of rubbish in any available space.

This area is the ruin of an old house, it belongs to somebody and at some stage they may decide to sell it or build on it themselves. 'Natural' rubbish like tree branches, leaves, even dog/cat/sheep shit - fair enough someone will have to clear that but why should the owner of this land be responsible for disposing of other people's unwanted stuff, just because they couldn't be bothered to dispose of it properly? It's clear from the nature of the rubbish that this is not just litter idly dropped by unthinking tourists, passing through with no consideration. This is useless stuff that a 'local' (of whatever nationality) has thoughtlessly decided to dump in the nearest convenient location. Grrr!

I wish I could say that this is the only such dumping ground here but that would be a very long way from the truth. It's about time something was done about it.

Best seen large.

In case you're interested, although I can't think why you might be, here are more snaps of this eyesore.

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