Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Searching With My Good Eye Closed

Evening all,

Well after our minor excesses of last nights impromptu contemporary carol concerto that we performed last night, it was decided that perhaps we should consider a little jaunt outside before the weather turned again.

The girls and i were in the park at stupid o clock this morning while most of the world slept and those of a more fragile or sensible nature stayed in bed to consider their options.

In fact two of the adults had to withdraw from the field after claiming they were Hors de Combat and left us more hardy types with their offspring.

Nothing for it then but to gather up next door's labrador, whack on the wellies and grab the high end technology to go and search for the hidden tupperware in the woods.

Yes it was our first search for geocaches this year, i'm afraid that we're a bit of fair weather Geocachers, but off we went regardless.

Had a lovely walk with the dog, managed to get stuck in a huge pile of mud, pricked with thorns, chased by horses etc etc but still managed to find a few geocaches before the will,stamina and GPS failed us.

Driving over to Manchester tonight to drop off two very tired children who are currently flopped out on the sofa and retaining our very tired child who will fall asleep in the back of the car on the way back. (she'll hate me for telling you that, after all she's a teenager!!)

The photo is my essential Geocaching kit, excluding the hip flask,
and this journal entry is a Soundgarden title if you're remotely interested,

nighty night

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