Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Piscatores hominum

It was Health Day at school and the theme was wear something red. Tick remembered to wear red T-shirt.

2nd instalment of the school trip money due in today. Tick remembered to pay that too.

Collection of household junk items for the charity bag. Tick left on front doorstep before going to work.

Donation of unwanted gifts to school bring and buy sale. Tick Delivered to Primary Seven classroom.

Request from family to have lasagne tonight, take mince out of the freezer this morning?
D'Oh! Oh well, takeaway it is.

This unique piece of art is a representation of a memorial, now re-created as a trophy.

Set on a plinth of walnut, it is an intricate piece of silver work that I'm told only took a few hours.
It has been carefully and thoughtfully constructed with amazing detail from the hand-made chain mail of the fishing net to the elaborate engraving of the scripture and globe. The trident looks pretty spectacular too.

Jeweller in question should be rightfully proud of this wonderful piece of work, customer should be fair chuff too.

Oh, and it means ......... I will make you fishers of men.

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