La Vie Quotidienne

Le fin de la semaine.

Every morning, here I am. Today from 4-7pm, here I am.
It's been a long week. I'm really excited to graduate with my Masters in about 8 weeks. I cannot wait.
Medical school starts July 18 or so.
White coat ceremony - July 23rd.

I hope I'm not giving myself gray hairs.

Tonight I'm taking off from studying and I'm going to watch a movie and not feel a twinge of guilt.

5 things that make me happy:
1. Orchids. I have three orchid plants in my apartment right now. I just threw out the orchids Mike got me for my birthday last month.. I'm happy that they lasted so long. They are, without a doubt, my favorite flowers. I love them. Love love love love. (How's that for my previous stat of mentioning "love" 439% more than the average blipper, eh blip statistics?)

2. Friends starting and enjoying their own blip journals. BJ, Brian to name a few of the new blippers from my circle of friends. And a friend of a friend - Kathryn, whose journal I am thoroughly enjoying.

3. TCOMrades T-shirts that Leah designed and had made for our group of friends. So excited! (Mike, you have a surprise waiting for you in FTW when you get here in two weeks...) I love them. I'm going to study in mine all tomorrow afternoon after TCOM day. Huzzah!

4. Hearty Lentil Soup. I made a new Cooks Illustrated recipe last night and it's delicious. Highly recommended. I'm going to be eating this soup for the next four or five days or so. I made a double batch. Maybe I should freeze it?

5. It's Friday. It was cold and sunny all day today. I love crisp air and cool weather. I love it. It truly makes me happy. 39 degrees. I can function there. Now, I am happy to be curled up on my couch with my pillows, a glass of chocolate milk, and my Netflix DVD.

Sayonara Blipplets.

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