My Aim is True



Can't believe that I have never used Leithal as a pun on blipfoto. Will rectify that henceforth.

Had a lovely trip into town on the tram that was up and running with effect from yesterday*

I'm rarely up toon on a Saturday. Goodness. It's busy. You'd never think we were in a recession **

Holidays planned. Afternoon coffee consumed. Meet up with pal in swanky bar. Bit of shopping. And bumping into other pals. Lovely.

Home. Rock n roll - listening to prog about Bob Monkhouse***

And a bit of blipfoto browsing.
* Embra trams were scheduled to be up and running from yesterday.....

** it's been compulsory since September 2008 to sit in a busy bar and say "jings, you'd never think there was a recession on, would you?"

*** "They laughed when I said I was going to be a comedian. They're not laughing now" ; one of the best comedy lines ever? Discuss...

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