Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

More Football

back home today , Wednesday, after travelling over to Greenock for the derby game against Morton. Big shock , there we were having held our own against one of the top teams in the league above us in the cup game , then beaten the second top team in ourleague , playing the bottom team. Did we win ? Not at all , Morton played an absolute blinder , accurate long passes , really fast getting forward and they scored the goals. We didn't!!!

The usual complaints about bad decisions by the officials , penalty not given , goal disallowed , fouls given the wrong way etc, etc; yes it probably did make a bit of a difference to the score line but not to the outcome of the game. Had it not been for Jamie Ewings , our goalkeeper, who had some superb saves the score could have been higher for Morton.

So tonight's blip had to feature Jamie making one of his excellent saves despite being obstructed by one of the opposing players.

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