Mono Monday ~ Through the Kitchen Window.

I had the most wonderful idea for Mono Monday this week, hosted again by Rainie, but ended up staying at home all day, trying to (unsuccessfully) catch up on a few days of a bit of craziness and also some family fun.

The fun part was a happy event, the 26th birthday of my daughter Hayley, and we enjoyed a family dinner together on Saturday night.

The craziness was rather surreal, involving my niece, and something that I cannot talk about here, but needless to say I spent most of Saturday, prior to the family dinner, occupied by a large scale and unfortunate event which took place, and has affected hers and her children's lives greatly. I can say however, that although we are not responsible for another person's actions, carelessness, and a life led with no regard to other people, can leave many people with scars that will last a lifetime.

So, looking out of my kitchen window this morning, which I do every day and never tire of the view I see, I thought I would share my view with you today. Many of the features of this view have featured as singular blips throughout time, including the seeds hanging in bunches from the palm trees, the Rainbow Lorikeet sitting on the old bird-feeding table, the sugar cane in the valley below and the distant mountain ranges. (The odd looking dark thing dangling down like legs at the top of the photo is a set of wind chimes!)

I will try to catch up on blip with the weekend I missed throughout this week, including three back-blips which I will add at some stage, but I don't think I will do any catching up tonight....hopefully tomorrow.

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