Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Like Daddy, Like Daughter

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Tom and Lyra were absolutely exhausted for about 48 hours after the birth. Many hours were spent with the two of them fast asleep together. I couldn't get over how similar they looked when fast asleep. At this point I was working off pure adrenaline and just didn't sleep at all for days, but I was happy. Very, very happy. And my heart was just about bursting with love.

Midwife's notes 12.00
Pooky is very relaxed in bed with Lyra Rose. Breast feeding is going very well. Lyra is helping herself frequently. 4-5 really long feeds since her birth.
(then lots of medical stuff including blood pressure 80/50 - so I clearly was very relaxed!)

Lyra is warm and pink and asking for regular feeds between periods of being alert.

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