Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

The Photographer and the Moody Baby

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Alan Barnes who was our wedding photographer and has subsequently become a good friend popped around to take some photos of Lyra for us.

Looking back, I'm so glad he did this as there are hardly any photographs of myself and Lyra - I tend to be the one holding the camera (albeit an iPhone up until Blip got me hooked).

Lyra was in an uncharacteristically bad mood the evening that Alan came to take her picture. There are several really lovely photographs, but none of my favourites are the ones that were 'set up'. The're all ones like this where I was trying to soothe Lyra and Alan kept snapping away without any of us realising.

These photos are really special to us - I am saving some of the others in my Blipfolio in case anyone is interested.

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