Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Slumber Party

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We got to meet a couple of the babies from our NCT class - as you can see the babies really know how to party! They all slept the whole time they were together, bless them! I think they'll get up to rather more mischief when they're bigger!

Mollie is on the left, she is two days younger than Lyra. Anaiya is on the right of Lyra and she is two days older than Lyra.

Anaiya and Lyra had the same due date. It was very surreal for me the day Anaiya was born receiving a photo of her all dressed in pink - and thinking - there is a baby that big in my belly!

Lyra was the smallest right from the start, but she matches the others on height.

Compared to Mollie you can see how dark skinned the jaundice made her - she looks like she has a tan!

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