Hector's House

By MisterPrime


Just back from tonight's weird gig at the Contemporary. Pretty cool, though, and at least if you go see music in art galleries you can get a decent cup of coffee and the toilets are clean! Basically Liz Harris sits behind this desk and fiddles with the controls and a big noise fills the room, sort of like voices, kind of celestial. It starts quietly but builds slowly. Liz makes some more adjustments and more noise filters in with maybe a hint of veiled melody, a bit like someone very faintly playing a piano in an attic above your head somewhere, only amplified. It's a little bit like opening an office door and finding you're in a bathosphere, or maybe inside a church organ, only you're still in the office as well, if you see what I mean... There, a little review for middleman, as requested - hope that's okay, feller!

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