
By monochrome

New Water Feature

Both me & Mrs monochrome are off work today. It's Debbie's birthday, and she's having friends round for a birthday-BBQ tomorrow, so I'm trying to blitz two months worth of mess and dirt from the house (accumulated while redecorating & fitting the new kitchen).

The rain tonight has been unbelievable - I nipped out around 7.30pm to pick up a takeaway (from Taste Good no less), and on the way back it was absolutely pouring down. Coming along Frogston Road, the manhole covers in the road had turned in to fountains, with the pressure of the water in the drains forcing the water back up on to the road. The weather forecast promises sunshine for tomorrow, so I hope it all clears up in time for the BBQ. By the looks of our new (unintended) garden water feature, we'll be lucky if it does!

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