
Oh! the fun to be had with a space blanket!

Twas a busy day for the wee man today - had his waterbabies class first thing, followed by a nap and some lunch, then off to a party for one of his wee friend's 1st birthday, then off to see grandad and grandma on the way home and ended up staying for dinner!

The wee man has been a star today - he really enjoyed the party, especially as there were some older boys wrestling and playing rough, which Aidan thought was hilarious. As soon as they started wrestling and attacking each other with balloons, the wee man's face lit up, and he looked like he wanted to get right in amongst it. He's still a bit too small for that kind of thing though, but I think he's going to be a wee terror when he's older!

He's getting to be quite a big boy too - we stopped by mrs mono's parents after the party and ended up staying for dinner. We hadn't expected to be out for so long, so we hadn't brought anything for Aidan's dinner. So, we gave him a plate full of the same stuff we were having - roast chicken, mashed potatoes and mixed veg and he ate the whole lot - in fact, he even had seconds (and thirds!). He has been eating more lately, however he normally has his own baby food, so today is the first time he's had the same meal as us and eaten all of it.

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