All things Blipable....

By Tina

everywhere i go

my camera comes too

Im that poncey that i HAVE to take pics of my waking hair, my crusty eyes and the morning shower!

I have spared you from this and thought today, i would just ponce about a bit and take the morning eyeliner application.. its a very difficult manouvere you know.. what with all the cameras i have to set up to capture that timeless moment!!

we ponces like to document our sad, boring lives so we can dwell on them and feel misery every day..

tomorrow.. who knows..

I may PONCE about naked in the garden for a while..
with cameras OF COURSE!!

(ps..i love Blip.. it the journal of my days.. and i think that reporter should eat alot fewer chips, as they are appearing rather largely, on his shoulder..
i will be a Blipper, even if its considered PONCEY! Long Live Ponces..ViVre La Ponce!)

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