War of the Thistles Day 1...

We decended on Transition Extreme skatepark in Aberdeen for Day 1 of War of the Thistles our main calendar event for Skateboard Scotland.

Today saw some wicked skating by people from all over the Scotland, England and Wales. This guy pulled off this laid back frontside rock which if you stand at the edge of this 12 foot deep bowl, is an impressive feat indeed.

Day 1 of the War went to an english man called Sweeney. We were in the middle of deciding who to award the Schralper award (skater of the day) to and we had it whittled down to 3 people. Sweeney then proceeded to throw down an absolute belter of a run and just about killed himself in the process. Decision made!!!

He walked away with half of the Thistles trophy and £150 for his trouble.

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