Another Day

By pcc


What a beautiful hot morning we had, and Amber and I enjoyed our walk in the bush tracks of Ilam. Got my washing done and dried, but later in the afternoon it turned southerly with some rain. Expected for a few days.
My thoughts are with the people working in the inner city on recovery work, and the guards who are protecting the city. Also with all the people who have not got power and cannot warm themselves easily. The one bonus would be that there is no dust.
I have resorted to another honesty blip, as here and here.
Fo those of you who knew Pooba he and Mrs Pooba are OK (very shocked and stressed), and have suffered tremendous damage to their house for the third time, and cannot live in it. They are being helped by family and friends, but it will be terribly stressful cleaning up the aftermath, and not knowing about the future. My thoughts and prayers are with them to get through this.

This was taken with the lensbaby, and plastic lens with F4.

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