
By Amalarian


I once confessed to a weakness for bowls, to say nothing of jugs. I looked at these today to see how many could be removed and it turned out to be only the old pudding basin. We use all of these bowls several times per week. We're sort of primitive. We have porridge or cereal out of bowls in the morning, we almost always have soup for lunch and then we often have pasta or a "big soup" for dinner with a salad, again in a bowl. Using a plate is rather posh.

Not shown here are the huge bowls, almost basins, and the kind once found in shops everywhere. They were made in Italy and cannot be found any longer. Perhaps the Chinese haven't got the hang of making them.

To the left of his cupboard is another, exactly the same size, which contains our most used plain white bowls, water and wine glasses, plates, coffee cups and saucers and a couple of mugs. The two cupboards, plus little corner cupboards, all with doors, are the the width of the kitchen. To be chic I think it's called a "galley" kitchen. I call it small.

For the record: + 10 C. Dark and raw.

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