jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Painting again!

Better day today (for Ben). He's still not very well, but he went to pre-school this morning with his latest diary sheet (they love that diary sheet! It goes into his file every week too which is great) and although there were a few tears he was actually all right once I'd gone, which I thought he would be. He just didn't want me to go, rather than didn't want to be there at all.

Meanwhile I ploughed through the pile of paperwork rubble that has accumulated next to the table and which periodically falls down and has to be restacked as it grows. I have sorted it into four piles: junk (the biggest pile, which has gone into the recycling bin), actual filing (the next biggest), paperwork that needs dealing with (surprisingly almost the smallest pile), and stuff that is neither of the above and needs a home of some description. Like, a towel, a wingnut (which has found a home on Ben's drumkit), some sequins, some very very out of date chocolate and suncream, and anniversary cards from last year.

I have continued sorting all afternoon in between supervising painting on our artwall, playing in the garden, cuddling with Ben, attempting to eat lunch, collapsing once Ben was finally in bed for a nap, gardening.... it's been a pretty good afternoon.

I've resorted to brie on toast in an attempt to kick my chocolate / cake habit, it's not working although at least I'm not hungry again half an hour later so that at least is a good thing...

Ben is a funny creature. He woke up from his nap and shouted for me (not crying, or screaming, but shouting "mummy!") and then went back to sleep for a bit - sort of, but not really, as he wouldn't let me go. Then when he did wake up he didn't do it by halves and decided that the way out of bed wasn't to get up and wait for me to get up too, but to dive over me instead. And then help me up because I was, apparently, stuck. I do love him. I've been trying to help get his head around the whole "you - me - I" thing today, it's really difficult but I think I've made a bit of progress!

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