
By Appreciation

Sun! (aka Get it While you Can)

The awful news of the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunamis, make me wonder, so fast on the heels of the New Zealand Earthquake, and Australian flooding, what is Nature trying to tell us and are we listening?

Then I hear we are due for another huge dump of snow at the weekend! I can't go back there. Enough already. Hugely trivial in comparison and so self indulgent I know.

The sun was streaming through the back windows today inviting me to bask in her rays. I couldn't refuse. I put the music on loud, lay back and boogied. Adele 21 is my music of choice just now, Such a powerful voice and wonderful lyrics. I love a lyricist. But most of this week I have been humming this song. The line, I know a mother, who lets her children use her up sat uneasily with me for a while, but I know that feeling - just sometimes.

Perhaps its the bleaching quality of this shot, combined with the song I am drawn to today?

I put my lippy on especially, I don't often clean the fish tank in full slap! Now, where's the net?

Edit:- In light of comments I am changing the title - although keeping the first one too - Silly Mare!

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