
By PicturePoems

The Chess Men's Holiday

The chess men left the chess board
And headed for the park,
Today life would be different for a while.
They found the swings and roundabout,
They queued up for the slide
And every single chessman had a smile.

The King and Queen were sharing
A sunshade (they were hot).
The pawns played chase and catch-me-if-you-can.
The knights and rooks and bishops
Loved every single ride
And no-one shouted 'check mate' - not one man.

They didn't miss the chess board,
They'd had too many fights.
For once they liked to mix and chat and play.
Without a board to stand on
They ran from side to side;
Each move was free and easy for today.

And while the happy chess men
Enjoyed a jolly time
Flowers grew on the chess board - pinks and blues.
So perhaps the days of fighting
For country, king and crown
Will become a distant memory, win or lose.

poem © Celia Warren 2011

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