jeni and the beans

By themessymama

I LOVE sunshine :D

After yesterday morning where it felt like we'd skipped the rest of spring, avoided summer altogether and gone straight into autumn, today's sunshine has been a welcome relief.

Steve and Ben enjoyed some morning sunshine in the warmth of the front room while I tried to recover some much needed sleep; and when the need for food lured me downstairs we decided to make the most of the sunshine and go out to one of the new playparks that we've not visited yet. (Quite a lot of the rest of the Worthing families had thought similar.... but that was to be expected. It was a glorious day.)

It's remarkably difficult to take pictures of your own little treasure without getting anybody else's little treasure in the shot...

Ben had fun playing and climbing, Steve had fun playing with Ben and following him around, and I had fun with the camera :) Then we went and played on the (danger keep off) rocks, and Ben showed his adrenaline junkie side, laughing in that special laugh reserved for "that's a LONG way down but I'm LOVING this" kinda thing, before leaping from rock to rock. Sometimes assisted by Steve. Next stop: cafe. Possibly lunch.

Ben, who had gone to bed extremely late last night (it's a long story, and not worth repeating suffice to say he saw 9pm and later, and had a late night snack and had to endure me doing some housework while he wailed about, to which I responded that if he'd gone to bed earlier he wouldn't have had to put up with it) and had still woken up reasonably early this morning, was tired and when we saw the queue snaking out of the cafe and the severe lack of available tables we decided to get fish and chips from a takeaway and have a picnic in the garden. Ben didn't even make it to the chip shop awake. So we gave up and went home. Ben woke up when we tried to transfer him to his bed so we had lunch and played in the garden blowing bubbles in the sunshine until Ben got reeeeeeally tired and eventually fell asleep during the England game.

So a late nap for Ben, during which Steve watched the game and I got dinner cooking. Then the monkey woke up and had a further hour asleep on my knee while the dinner slowly burnt. It has been rescued and actually tastes pretty good! And Ben ate some so that's a score too. (Unlike England.)

Now he's tired again, and the French are beating Wales, and I've finally managed to pull together my blip. I do sometimes feel like I'm cheating a bit, creating these montages, but on the days where life is so full and varied, I want to pull them together into one image to represent my day. Today has been bright, colourful, boingy, bubbly. Full of sunshine. It's been a good day, overall.

Worth viewing large.

The whole set can be seen here,

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