Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos


Tonight was the culmination of a lot of planning. It was my Battle of the Bands event in the library. It went really well, 160 happy customers watching live music for free in their community building.

It's been quite stressful, they don't teach you event management at Library School. All went without a hitch, the bands were great, so was guest act Jonny Brown from Twisted Wheel.

Everyone enjoyed a safe event and a good time was had by all. I'm lucky that my colleagues worked so hard to help the library pull off this innovative event. Thanks as well to Northern Legends Clint Boon and Terry Christian for tweeting about it. I love this photo because it shows a little lad sat down at the front, watching his big brother rocking the library! How great is that?

My passion for libraries exceeds my passion for books. Libraries remain the only places where you can go and spend the whole day browsing or using the facilities, take your children for free activities without having to deal with the pester power of the gift shop. You can borrow loads of books FOR FREE!

Facebook, Twitter and Blipfoto are not just for people who can afford a PC, Broadband and who are fortunate to have a bank account that can set up a direct debit. They are for everyone and libraries provide access for all to keep in touch via social networking.

It may be said that it's not the place of a library to provide stuff like gigs. But I know that not every young person wants to be part of the Church group / Youth or Sports club. They don't know where they fit (yet) and the library provides that safe place for them to go, meet their mates and be themselves.

I know, because I was one of those young people.

So #Lovelibraries and if you've not visited your local library for a while - take 20 mins out of your day and go along. I bet you will be surprised at what's going on there. Especially if you come to my library!

"Libraries gave us power
Then work came and made us free

Design for Life ~ Manic Street Preachers

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