Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Thomastown Fairy

While out and about in the garden this morning we came across this little creature sitting rather smugly on the edge of a blue planter containing miniature tulips and hyacinths. She just sat there watching us as we worked and struck a pose as I approached very slowly and carefully with the camera. At first I thought she would fly away but no, she seemed quite content to stay and be photographed.

This incident reminded me of the Cottingley Fairies. If you don't know the story, look it up on Google as it's one of the best long running stories in the history of photography. Two little girls, five photos of fairies and everybody fell for it, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Of course we all know now that they admitted in 1983 that the shots were in fact fakes. All except the fifth one that is. This, they always claimed was genuine. Just like this shot of the lesser known Thomastown Fairy which lives among the flowers and shrubs in my very own garden.

ps. Anyone who reckoned on "bedspring" yesterday was correct but obviously spends too much time lying under the bed and looking up. You can come out now, the coast is clear!

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