
By shy

The Deep South

..anyway, South of London.

I've been on the road for a couple of days - still one more to go. I can't believe it took me over six hours to drive from Manchester to Sittingbourne last night. There is nothing worse than driving round the M25 only to come upon a huge queue of stationary traffic. After not moving for 15 minutes, four police cars, a fire engine and two ambulances rushing up the hard shoulder can only mean a long wait is in store. It was.

Learnt a lot about greenhouses and Landrovers today. And got some business done during 7 hours of meetings. I'm in a hotel in the woods in Surrey now in what must be a poor part of the Deep South as every single house in the adjacent area is worth a little bit less than a million squids each, whereas 200 yards up the road most of the houses fetch a couple of million. The poverty that can be seen outside the hotel window is heartbreaking.

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