Lyndsay's Awesome Stuff

By lyndsaymatthews

I am 100. Hear me roar...

So the day dawns, it's bloody raining.

But I have got one-hundred-blips down! Yay me!

Enter comment about how much I've become a habitual voyeur of Blipland and all who dwell within it here.
Enter comment about my beautiful subscribers, and how lovely you are here!

Thanking jkj10 for showing me true beauty every day and for always making time for me.
Thanking spitzimixi for making me laugh, sometimes from the belly.
Thanking Max and Katherine and the boys, for being such a beautiful, artistic and genuinely interesting family to look in on...
Thanking Kip for his poetry and thought-provoking malarkey.
Thanking the Meldrum Michies for the swatch at a fun household filled with love, happiness and rosy-cheeked cherubs, (and humorous chicken ornaments).
Thanking Gerry, Nicola, Becca, et al, for being awesome...

Now tomorrow, something with spots perhaps?

EDIT: Wow! I made Spotlight! I'm so pleased, like banana's in attire!
Thank you people, you really put the humps on my Wednesday!

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