King of the World!

Today was another great day! Our last full day before going home tomorrow! Kaz got up and went for a run along the beach and Spence and I drove to Shallow Inlet so I could take photos there just after the sun had come up! It was beautiful! The sky was blue, the tide was out, there was a bit of wind but not too much, Spence had a great time playing in the water and the sand and I took heaps of photos!

We came back just before Kaz got back from her run, had breakfast and then the three of us went back to Shallow Inlet! The tide really low still so we walked around the point a bit onto the sand dunes! I had never been around that part before and it was fantastic! So much sand making so many dunes and small hills, patterns and shapes! We had a ball running up and down them, falling over, being 'King of the World' as Spence said every time he climbed to the top of a dune!! We walked over the dunes to the other side where the waves were and splashed in them for a bit then walked back to the car! I got so many great photos from the morning it was really hard to choose!

We went into Foster after that so I could have a blood test and we could visit my cousin Kim and meet her new baby, Alexandra! She was just beautiful! She was crying a bit when we first got there but then slept the rest of the time! Kim looked great and Tristan arrived while we were there so we got to chat to him too! They will be such brilliant parents! They are the loveliest people, so positive and happy!

We got fish'n'chips for lunch and ate them at the park then went out to Mum and Dad's house so Spence could have a sleep with Grandma looking after him while Kaz and I went and played golf!! We stayed for tea (roast pork!) then came back down to the beach house!

Today's blip is of the masses of sand at Shallow Inlet with Wilson's Promontory in the background, the Inlet on the left and the beach in between the sand and the 'Prom'.

Tomorrow is meant to be another lovely day so we might go to the beach early then clean the house then we will be off home! Hopefully the smell from the rotten freezer will have gone by the time we get home!!


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