a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

the look on her face...

long story, actually. But first...

I've backblipped from my trip to Baltimore.

long way down...
new shoes
mi ami

Ok, so... to the story. My sister has a long history of breaking/losing/destroying phones. And when she does, her urge to text her friends drives her to theft of other phones in the household. So today, my mom and friend thought it might be funny to play a little trick on her.

Before today, my mom had no idea that her phone had a keypad lock function. Once we told her, she decided that it would be a good idea to set one up. Once that had all been done, we locked the keypad and placed the phone where it normally sits during dinner ... on the kitchen table in front of my sister ... and waited for dinner to start. Once time was right, my friend and I sent text messages to the phone under her friend's name that she could see but not open. My mom had asked me to have a camera ready to document her reaction.

My favorite part of this photo is my mom looking on in the background in amusement.

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