jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Thankyou God for icecream - apart from being delicious, you have saved my blip-panic!!

Think I've overdone it on the salad though. Got a bit excited that, after sharing pizza with Steve and Ben for tea, I could happily stomach salad. So I went and got a second plateful of salad. And now I'm beginning to regret it slightly. Maybe a bit more than slightly. Glad I had my icecream when Ben was asleep earlier because I don't fancy one right now.

Ben enjoyed sharing one with daddy though, enjoyed it a lot as you can see!

Church was good this morning. In the past week, a team of people have been out to a conference in Clarens, SA, and another team have been to the Come As You Are conference. Today we talked about how the two different cultures can influence us here in Worthing, that they are not polar opposites, but that we can take things from both of them and apply them, and become unique; not copying other mega-churches, but having our own flavour, one that is needed very specifically where we are here.

Steve got to church for 8.30am ish, having left me with a plate of toast, and instruction to get there for about 9.30 because I'd be easy enough to give a rough sound-check for. Gosh but it was hard work. Managed to get there for about 9.40 which wasn't bad, all things considered. And I'd managed to eat my toast as well, and get songs printed out that I knew I was missing too.

Actually playing and singing really took my mind off feeling delicate, and Ben was a superstar, playing with streamers and ribbons and sticks while we finished soundchecking, and sitting and dancing with friends during the service. He was actually looking forward to going to creche to play, and although he wanted me to stay a while - which I was happy to do - he was fine with me going back into the service a bit later as well. Which was just as well, because I got back just in time for the band to be called back up! Playing a second time took my mind off the fact that I was fading a bit, but by the time we'd finished I really was fading and very grateful that I'd seen a cake sale set up in the hall. Cakes restored a bit of life, and sitting quietly restored more life.

Pack-down always seems to take a long time... I'd planned on going home sooner but just needed to sit down. By the time we'd got home, via tesco for provisions, I was wiped out :( thankfully lunch kept me going long enough to get Ben off to sleep, but after having my icecream I decided enough was enough and I headed off to bed as well.

I hate being hungry. I don't like it at the best of times, I get horrible hunger pangs which just cripple me in the mornings; I don't know whether to blame the pregnancy or the insulin on this current permanent hunger. I know when I've eaten enough, and I need to learn not to overdo the salad; but I wish I could stay feeling not-hungry for longer. Tomorrow I'll get in touch with the diabetes centre again and see what we need to do to adjust my medication to cope with the food I need to eat.

Monday tomorrow. Also got an appointment with the new diabetes nurse at our regular surgery, for my annual review. That means I need to get up early to take Steve to work, so that I can have the car to get to the surgery in the afternoon. That should be fun :/

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