bridget riley's eyesight

By gail

Shoe count

Mr B R E - many
Mrs B R E - not as many

Surely this is not right!

And another thing - if I was not averse to cat blipping I may have blipped my neighbour's cat - if we could have found her - which was quite unlikely as she spent most of the afternoon up at the top of one of the trees that line our street. This was because two lovely young men came down the road with their large agressive dogs (off their leads) and thought what fun it would be to let them chase the cat and rip it to shreds. They put one of their nasty dogs into my neighbours front garden and it chased the cat up the tree. After trying to teach their dogs to climb the tree (dur) they went and hid round the corner till she jumped down, and then set the dogs on her again. The dogs hared after the cat, jumping from front garden to front garden, millimeters from the cat, with their owners fronting up to all the neighbours that had come out. Two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, when there were loads of people around, with babies toddling about. Eventually they wandered off with a "what are you going to do about it" attitude, sauntering back up the road half an hour later without a care in the world. And half an hour before the police bothered to show up.


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