It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Daisy the Deaf Cat

This is Daisy. She lives with Mum, Daddy and I. I thought I would show you a picture of her today as I think everyone must be getting a little bit bored of pictures of me!

Daisy is completely deaf, mum says this is a good thing because I tend to practice my WOOF on her a lot! I am not sure if she likes me or not. She ALWAYS runs away and I just HAVE to chase her. She normally gets up really high where I can't reach her, although the other day I did jump on the coffee table, onto the side board then up to the window sill where she was sleeping! I was soooooo excited that we were finally face to face but do you know what....she scratched my nose and hissed at me :-( I just thought she was a bit like my cuddley toys and I could play with her but BOY I'm glad my toys don't scratch like that!

Ever since then I try and be nicer to her and approach her with less speed (sometimes) She is a bit naughty though because when I am behind the stair gate she sits on the other side taunting me. She makes a grrrrrring sound (I thought only doggies did that?!) and she pokes her paws through the gate to try and get me! She is cheeky! Then if mum was to open the gate she runs like mad away. Its just not fair. I wonder if she will ever like me and we will be able to snuggle up together. Mum thinks that would make a beautiful picture. She is completely deaf so she is a house cat, so we have to learn to live together sometime I guess! Maybe if I really try hard to ignore her, then she will come around?

Today was a another lovely day for swimming and playing. I swam in the river again. I showed off my swimming skills to a new friend I made. She is a 4 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback called Ruby. We had a good play and I jumped in the river (even though mum told me no, tee hee!) but Ruby just stood on the edge barking at me. She wouldn't come in! Then I played with a 5 month old black lab like me called Tasha. She is training to be a guide dog and wasn't allowed off the lead or to go swimming but we still had a rough and tumble for a bit. She was HUGE compared to me. Mum worried that she is doing something wrong as I am so tall and lean. Perhaps I am not eating enough. We have the vets on Tuesday for a check up after my nasty tummy, so we will ask him.

Mum and Daddy said I stink now, after all the swimming this week. Today I didn't really swim much. I just kept jumping in and picking up random sticks for mum then getting back out! I even jumped in and fetched her a really old mouldy plastic bottle that I saw. I think she was really pleased with that.

Its bath night tomorrow - yipppppeeeeee.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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