Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Go the Highlanders

Well today was D Day and a decision was made. We are shifting ourselves to Dunedin, home to both Mrs O and myself. In the end its been an easy decision we both feel that this is where we want to be and need to be at the moment.
As the first commitment to the Otago cause we went out and bought tickets to the Highlanders V Blues game on Friday night. Hope this isnt a bad omen for them.
"When in Rome" as they say.........

It got me thinking......

When you go through life changing events you realise just how important people are and how little everything else matters. Why were we so stupid to not think of this earlier and make the move before? Awwww well its done now.

Thanks to all of you out there that have helped and advised us and made it easy to come to this decision.

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