Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Friends and Support

Because of the show I am producing, it has been hard to find enough hours in the day. I happened to mention this to my friends Di and Inge, and they immediately offered to help in any way.

So this week, they and their own dog Josh have 'kidnapped' Dimairt, and have offered to kidnap him for the next week. What this means is that my dear dog is going to have company and lots of walks and fun whilst I am up to my ears in rehearsals and performances. I am blessed with good friends who give their support during times like these, and in the most practical of ways.

In addition, when I go to their house to pick up my pal to go home, I always seem to end up with a glass in my hand, and a sympathetic ear to all my woes and frustrations......... Bliss.

When I talked about this to my other girl friends, we all agreed. We would like to be adopted by Di and Inge. We could all do with a wee bit 'looking after', couldn't we?

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