Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

True Colours

For some reason I've had this song lodged in my brain for a few days...and yes it *is* the Glee version which is pinging around in there. We're Gleeks in the Grant house...even Bob [pauses to hang head in shame]. H loves the songs and the performances so they get listened to a lot. But this one has stuck and although it was temporarily replaced yesterday by Neil Diamond's Solitary Man courtesy of Bernard's poignant blip, I woke up this morning and it was back again. Aaargh, maybe I'm stuck with it forever! Gleekitis...wonder if it's a recognised medical condition...

Went for another bike ride today. That's twenty miles in two days. H was in a cheerful mood today, at least until he trod on one of his new Bakugans and broke it, so we all had a good time.

I spotted this little boy and his mum walking over a bridge and thought he'd look good against the yellow and the blue. I missed him on the way over but hung around and caught him on the way back.

Nice and bright large.

Edit: Just because this is my journal and I want to remind myself of the date and my initial thoughts : Osama bin Laden has allegedly been killed by US forces. Quite what effect this will have on global terrorism or the US's relationship with the Arab world remains to be seen. In the short term it doesn't seem to have done Mr. Obama's popularity any harm.

Like Hitler or Mussolini, bin Laden was a charismatic figure and the powers that be may be hoping that his demise, like theirs, will similarly loosen the ties which bind his followers and fragment his support. I suspect that whatever the long-term prospects for peace, we'll be in for a choppy few months.

This isn't meant to be a political spiel so don't read anything into's just my initial thoughts on the situation before I read the newspapers and listen to radio 4, and I had nowhere to record them apart from here.

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