
By Tardy

As addictive as chocolate!

Well, that's me reached 200! It's kind of sneaked up on me and I haven't really had much of a chance to do anything special, except to share my secret new addiction. Mint Aero.

There are so many spectacular blippers on here and I feel rather proud to be part of this lovely online community. I was going to say 'wee online community' but it's not wee anymore! There are so many new blippers it's getting hard to keep up with them. I often use the links that others generously put on their own blips to see pics that I would otherwise miss. So thanks to those of you who put links up, without them I would miss so many great shots.

Also a huge thanks to Joe and the team who keep us all in line! You guys do a wonderful job! If I could I would share my Aero with you, but as I can't I'll have to keep it all to myself!!

Thanks to everyone who comments and views my blips, even when I don't get the chance to reciprocate! You guys are part of the reason I keep going!!

Thank you thank you thank you!

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