a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

Mein Zimmer

What a day. Long, long flights, layovers, security checkpoints, carrying 150lbs of luggage, almost passing out from exhaustion, 50 new faces, a new home...

and this is it! It really couldn't get better than this, as far as living situations go. The room is absolutely gigantic (probably about double the size of a college dorm room for two), and it has a 10+ foot ceiling. My Vermieterin is a very very nice and extremely cool woman in her 60s. She's been speaking to me only auf Deutsch and I'm surprised with how well I've been keeping up with understanding/expressing myself in another language.

So, my first day in Berlin has been a good one, and although I'm sore and exhausted, I am very, very happy :) :D

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