Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

daddy, about this set bedtime........

yeah so nothing really accomplished today and the animals had raided the birdfeeder early doors so no shots there. instead and this was inspired by 42 celebratory 200th blip, we have this. just a bit of fun really.
have wanted to try and expand on my PS skills and had a go with my moisturiser bottle and me which turned out ok but not that interesting.
so once baby McD saw it she wanted to be in a picture like it. well since she is already tiny, we decided that she could pick up daddy and here is the result. not perfect but lexie liked it and thats what counts.

hope you are all braced for tomorrow folks and i hope the winds don't affect you all too much (could be some interesting blips from it of course).
enjoy whats left of the weekend

p.s. sorry about the lack of comments but the never ending saga of the dodgy connection continues

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