
By thespotlightkid

Common spotted orchid: Orchids of Europe # 3

I spotted these from the car on the way to work yesterday, so had to make a quick unscheduled stop to capture one. There are always hundreds of common spotted orchids by the roadside south of Taunton in June, and pyramidal orchids in July.

Most of the British orchids, in southern England at least, like to grow in short grassy slopes on limestone soils, so wide new roadside verges are often colonised, often within about 10 years of the road opening. Over the next few weeks there should be plenty round here including major roads like the M4, M5, A303, and A358 (where this was).

I don't recommend looking at flowers while driving at 70mph, however.

Orchids of Europe # 2

Orchids of Europe # 1

Heath spotted orchid last weekend (for comparison)

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