
By thespotlightkid

Common twayblade: Orchids of Europe # 4

Apologies for doing two-in-a-row orchid blips, but I love seeing them and they're only out for a few short months.

We usually to think of orchids as being bright and beautiful, but these fellows are rather insignificant.

It's called a twayblade because of the two leaves at the base - they never have more than just these two. The flowers themselves are green, and when seen close up they have a humanoid shape with a long lip, forked at the bottom like legs, little arms sticking up, and almost a face.

This is Badbury Rings again, a circular Iron Age (1000BC - 400AD approx) hill fort. We are in the trough between two of the outer ramparts. Like most such hill forts it has a commanding view in every direction and would have been a safe place to live.

Orchids of Europe # 3 and links to previous orchid series

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