
Today's program included visiting an art museum, which didn't amaze many of us. Well, I think the tour was quite interesting, but that's just me and my opinion, he he. After the museum, we had special program in form of a photo marathon. Dude, that was great! We were dispensed into groups of four or five, and our mission was to take one photo per one of ten given topics, yay!

Well, the topics were of course the yield of the imaginations of our dear teachers, so they were... quite something. However, the topics were "Love", "Face of the City", "Hideousness", "Money and Beauty", "Siesta", "Wild", "A Finn in Seville", "Layeredness", "Tourism" and "Happiness", which of "Layeredness" was absolutely the most difficult in our opinion.

So, we wandered around Seville photographing the topics and, after four hours, reached the goal at the Archaeological Museum, where the teachers wanted to see what we had managed to capture. They were very mysterious and didn't tell us much, but they told us that the winning team will get as much ice cream as they can eat! They didn't want to release the winner by then, but in the evening. And, gosh, our team with another team won the whole marathon! That meant that we were allowed to eat ice cream on our leading teacher's check! I ate six balls.

Oh, and about this image: this is our photo choice for the topic "Layeredness". Hope you get the point! :)

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