One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Mea culpa

- Forgive me Father, for I have sinned
- Jayz, Séamus, sorry dude, but there is nothing I can do for you on that one. You can say your act of contrition until the Anglo-Irish Bank debt has been paid off, I won't be able to save your arse here. You are after all wearing socks in sandals*...
- Pleaaaaaase Father, pleaaaaaase, show some Christian mercy
- No way José. You could have worn shoes. Or at the very least you could try and lose the socks. But only if your toe nails are trimmed. We don't want to see big thick yellow whoppers that curl back towards the toe, a bit like them donkeys that spend their lives in the bogs and suffer from overgrown hooves because the ground isn't abrasive enough.

- I would normally ask for permission to post a photograph, but only saints do not do u-turns
- I had sort of challenged myself not to post monochrome shots for a week, but only fools do not do u-turns
- I am mentally exhausted from working for a Company that does not do u-turns. Or else it does them like one of these massive crude oil tankers. Very very very very very slowly. When it's too late and it's about to plow into the iceberg of wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee. The Company does not believe in ideas, or acumen, or common sense. It believes in hard data. Tons of it. Truck loads of the shaggin thing. It will not do the decent thing until there is statistical proof that it has been hit where it hurts: in the balance sheet. It has the arrogance of the juggernaut, but the thin thin steel skin of the Exxon Valdez

*By popular demand of one GP in the Greater** Birmingham Area
** Birmingham is great***
*** especially for those whose life mission is to establish a photographic record of urban decay

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