It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Trying out the new toy.....

...Thanks Grandad for buying me a whole bag full of new swimming toys! I just HAD to go to the river to try them out today. I LOVE them. They float really well and when I grab them with my mouth they squeak! I was throwing myself really far into the water off the river bank to go after it! It was GRRRRRRRREAT!

That was my walk this afternoon but I must tell you about my walk this morning. Mum took me to a secret field that we have found at the back of the woods. Hardly anybody goes there. Well today we were there playing with the ball when I saw a lady coming towards us and guess what. I am really sure it was THE QUEEN! She looked like the Queen and she had one of the corgi's with her. I looked at mum in suprise but mum didn't seem starstruck at all. She just chatted away to the Queen as if she was any other person. I was very impressed with her coolness. I had a really long play with the lovely Corgi. She was really playful. I was a bit boisterous with her as I have very long legs compared to her little ones, so I kept standing on top of her. Hee hee.

Anyway then the Queen had to go (I expect she had some engagements to attend to) so mum and I walked back to the car. I expected mum to ring daddy all excited about meeting the Queen but she didn't. My mum is very wierd sometimes. I think I ought to tell Molly Collie about what happened, as I know she dressed up in her bandana because she was expecting the Queen in St Ives the other day. I wish I had a bandana on today, I felt a bit scruffy for meeting the Queen!

Daisy the cat is home now from her holidays she went on at the weekend when we were away. I had better go as I need to keep my eye that she doesn't get any more cuddles from mum than I do.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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