It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I'm innocent......honest!

Dear Blip Friends

I have a problem. It's just a little problem and I want to share it with you. Mum always says that it is good to talk about things that worry us.

My problem is Daisy the cat. She really doesn't like me and I keep getting into trouble for trying to play with her.

When I first moved in here I used to try and impress her from behind the stair gate. I would do back flips and bounces and I would chase chase chase her if I managed to get around the gate. Now I am older all I really want to do it lick her but anytime I get close she runs and you know what that does to me don't you?! I HAVE to chase.

I keep getting into trouble for barking at her behind the gate but do you know what? it isn't my fault. She does this thing where she rushes at me from the other side of the gate, does a big growl and HISSSSSS and stabs my nose with her claws. Then I start jumping and barking so mums comes in and tells ME off. Never Daisy, OH NO...... she is a little furry princess who can do no wrong AND gets to sleep with mum and daddy. It's JUST NOT FAIR.

The other day she wondered into the kitchen when I was there. She didn't know I was there because she didn't see me and she is deaf so she can't hear me. I managed to get really close to her. I wasn't going to do anything.....HONEST.....but then she turned around, jumped in the air, hissed and RAN.....What is a puppy like me supposed to do when faced with such a fluffy running temptation?......I HAD to chase her.

So you can see my dilemma. Mum thinks I am the one being mean to Daisy, when actually it is her being mean to me and getting away with it. All I want to do is have a good lick or cuddle. Hummmmppppppphhhhhhhh.

I give mum these innocent eyes ALL the time after a run in with Daisy. It normally gets me a cuddle thank goodness :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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