Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Must dash.

Mags and I were at the Film Festival tonight to see Charlie Casanova directed by Terry McMahon and starring Emmett Scanlan (in the very blurry photo with us!).

I liked it, Maggie hated it, but we were both in firm agreement over the awsomeness of the Mustachioed Man's face furniture. (It is after-all, much to our embarassment, the only reason we now watch Holysmokes).

Somehow, after quite a lot of beer, we tentatively approached for a photo opportunity and found ourselves in the company of the cast and crew in the Filmhouse bar! Most, most, unlike us and very surreal indeed meeting the lovely Mr Scanlan, chatting away to the Director about his film, having drinks around their table and piling in a taxi to the after-show party with them....

Bizarreness, but a really good night! :)

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