...among other things!


Quality Garments...

We went to Bluewater Shopping Centre today... Holy fudge its massive!

It was all in aid of Naomi's birthday; we're not going to Switzerland any more so the money I would've spent their was instead spent on a summer wardrobe for Naomi!

We had a great day, the centre wasn't too busy and although we spent 6 hours shopping I really enjoyed myself, as did Naomi! :-)

Didn't take my camera with me though because it would've just got in the way but next time we go I'm definitely bringing it with me; its such a nicely designed place and has been built in an old quarry which just gives it even more appeal... Anyway, took this shot (with my phone) of a clothes shop, we didn't go in but loved the sewing machines outlining the windows and I thought this looked great with a cinnamon effect thrown on it... Bit vintage :-)

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