
Up at the sparrow fart to commence operation House Clean. Nick popped over with two more gazebos. We now have four so if we all huddle together we should have cover during the forecasted thunderstorm :) That said, although we had a few showers today it was actually most pleasant in the main.

Chores done it was off into Cupar to pick up the licence and have a clandestine meeting with Jack Black to hand over "the ribbon" and the t****. Mike did laugh when he realised what the t**** was for. I am glad he shares my humour, it might prove useful in the long term. To be on the safe side I also purchased some fancy wellies which will complement my dress so well.....NOT :)

Did a big shop for tomorrow night's BBQ - if the French party, the Spanish party, the London party and the Yorkshire party all make it there will be fourteen in total. Arghh!

Note to self - when taking shots of lavender and bees, be patient.

Time for a wee chill with a cava before tomorrows onslaught

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