Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Everything crossed X

So tonight I sit expectedly waiting for a £166 million Euro Lottery win! In all honesty I have no chance of winning but you get swept up with the occasion, and realise that unless you speculate then you won't accumulate.

So what would I do with £166 million? You may be shocked to hear that I would give most of it away, because £166 million is just an obscene amount of money for one person to win, especially when you look at the suffering in the world like that of East Africa at the moment. First I would help out all my family and make sure the future generation has something as well, then I would like to help out all my friends and finally I would help out local, national and international charities which are close to my heart. Now depending on what was left I'd either have to look to dispose of some more money or be happy with what I've got left.

Would I give up work? An interesting question and I guess the answer initially would be no, I enjoy what I'm doing and would like to continue to make a difference. If I did give it up, I would still want to do something perhaps on a volunteering basis so something like a charity or wildlife trust and I think I would really enjoy that.

As it is I haven't won so back to work on Monday!

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