Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Day Two: Lost in Translation


Arrived at the first Gite after a relatively easy drive down to the Paris area. Only slight problem was stopping at the Hypermarket en route to stock up on food and drink...fitting this into an already packed car was somewhat of a challenge!

Set off in the evening to the medival city of Provins as there was an evening candlelight event that was quite glorious in the summer evening with thousands of candles lining the streets and buildings yielding a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere to start off the holiday.

Had our first encounter with some French that stretched my (very) limited knowledge of the language....saw this window and got excited about the thought of 'Produits du Terrior' inside the building...perhaps we had reached Disney early and within lay a themed ghost ride? Apparently not...the translation is somewhat more mundane...'local products'.

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